2024 UIM F1 World Champion.
Jonas Andersson is from the small town Frövi, Sweden and are now a three time UIM F1 World Champion. He is very unique because Jonas is the only “self employed” winning driver with a minimum racing budget.
In his little shop in Sweden he preparers his own Merc 2.5 liter V6 and design his own boats with help from the Danish boat builder Molgaard.
To beat the multi million dollar Middle Eastern teams with hired drivers makes his success even greater.
Congratulations Jonas to your third World Title.

Roland Rosenholtz som jag minns honom.
Roland var en nära vän, och den bästa Ordförande båtsporten någonsin haft i Sverige.
Han var tävlingsledare för jättesuccen Stockholm F1-V8 GP 1983 och dom följande två åren samt mycket annat.
Lärde känna Roland 1971/72 när vi träffades på tävlingarna. Han utstrålade stor pondus och respekt.
Efter att Svenska Racerbåtsförbundet (Svera) lyckades schabbla bort min anmälan till Paris 6 Timmars tävlingen 1973 valdes Roland Rosenholtz in till ny Ordförande i Svera. (Roland omvaldes många, många år framåt)
När min gamla Volvo Duett gick sönder före resan till NM Finland 1974 ringde jag Roland på hans Datsun bilfirma på Kungsholmen och jag fick låna en bil med dragkula.
På tävlingarna var han ofta med och följde våra racingäventyr. När finnarna diskade Bosse Nilsson och mig på NM i SE klassen i Forsaa, Finland 1975 så rättade självklart Roland till misstaget omedelbart när Vi var tillbaka i Sverige.
Nackakille som han var i fina huset efter Värmdövägen besökte man efter en inbjudan till Syd-Afrika att köra BP 200.
Roland ville försäkra sig om att tävlingen jag skulle delta i var UIM sanktionerad.
Var man ute med fritidsbåten stannade man till ibland på Södra Lagnö och man fick kaffe och bulle.
Roland hade stort intresse för Svensk båtsport och när OMC ville köra F1-V8 racing på Riddarfjärden 1983 fixade SVERA och Roland till den bästa F1-V8 tävlingen någonsin. Vi körde på Lördags och Söndagskvällen på härliga Riddarfjärden.
Trots att jag flyttade till USA hade vi lite kontakt då och då.
Roland hann fylla 90 år innan han lämnade oss.Tack för allt och Vila i Frid.

Part 2: Huzells – OMC..My fall out with OMC late 1976.
Part 2
My OMC fall out 1976.
..so a few days later I was finally told the facts but very secret..because legal action was going on from mostly Huzells side.
In the fall of 1976 OMC invited all Swedish Evinrude dealers (around 200) to a meeting at Malmen Hotel in Stockholm.
OMC introduced a British expert in how to stop Japanese companies taking over market shares from US and European companies in Europe..
All the dealers was thinking the same thing..WOW..British..??..they did really poorly saving Norton, Triumph etc in the British motorcycle business..they where already gone 1976..
OMC was told by this British company to kick out the distributors like Huzells and AGB..(Johnson) and open up OMC controlled subsidiary/ daughter companies in most of the European counties. This was the future.
As of January 1 1977 OMS Sweden was now going to run Evinrude/Johnson in Sweden.
Only good thing in my opinion was a few weeks later OMC told us my friend Bengt Nilsson from Huzells Marin was going to be the CEO for OMS Sweden.
As a dealer we got plenty of mail regarding OMS Sweden policies etc.
The new OMC Europe racing policy was everything must be run by the European racing boss in Brygge..OMS Sweden could not support racing..This was it for me…!!
A few days later I met up with my old friend Rutger Friberg..he was in charge of Volvo Penta outboards based in Gotenburg. Roger Jenkins was already running Volvo Penta/Konig in the UIM OE class and did great.
Rutger was a powerful man within Volvo and a yacht sailing friend with Per Gyllenhammar the CEO for Volvo Cars.
A few weeks later I signed a great deal with Volvo Penta of Sweden..a few steps better than the ones I use to have with Huzells.
Racing International and local in the UIM OE/F3 class with full support from Gert Lowisin & Dieter König.
I told my friend Bengt Nilsson the CEO for the just started OMS Sweden..He was disappointed and said its going to hurt your Evinrude sales.
Well..what Bengt and OMC did not know was…
Billy Huzell.. a very smart pissed off business man..he was not going to roll over and play dead..
Billy traveled to Japan..signed a deal with Suzuki outboards to be the distributor not only for Suzuki outboards but also Suzuki motorcycles starting early 1977.
AGB..the former Johnson distributor signed a deal with Brunswick to be the distributor for Mariner in Sweden.
The same thing happened in most European countries..
OMC got what they wanted but opened the door big time for the Japanese outboards..
For sure this big OMC mistake was in my opinion the start for OMC’s down spiral..
First picture is Rutger Friberg and me.
Second: Rutger and Per Gyllenhammar

Here is the letter from OMC Racing in Brygge, Belgium January, 1977.
Says it all..
The OMC sales department in Belgium was helpful but not the racing department.

Huzells – OMC..My fall out with OMC late 1976.
I have been asked many times about this headline..Here is part one.
This is a long story and we must go back to early 1971 when my racing relationship with Evinrude and Huzells started.
Huzells was a great company and the main business was supplying parts, tools and shop equipment for car dealers in Scandinavia based out of Karlstad, Sweden.
The owner Billy Huzell was a very active owner and he hired Bengt Nilsson to run Huzells Marine division in Stockholm.
Huzells Marine division was the distributor for Evinrude in Sweden.
Huzells was getting involved in outboard racing mainly in Sweden and sponsored some races and drivers.
They did have a program for race drivers..to purchase Evinrude outboards and parts for a very good deal.
I signed up for this program and got a brand new Evinrude 65HP including racing propellers and parts.
See Huzells 1972 ad.
Turned out great I won the UIM E class Swedish Championship 1972 and Huzells invited me to the yearly Evinrude dealer meeting in Spain.

I got the call from Huzells about the new Evinrude 65SS for the UIM SE class and Huzells was going to give me one as a loaner but I must purchase a new tunnelboat from Italy. I did and the rest is history I won the biggest UIM SE class race in Finland over OMC’s factory drivers. OMC racing in Belgium did not even let me use a propeller as the European racing boss promised me if I came to the race in Finland.
After the 1973 success Billy Huzell told Bengt Nilsson the man in charge for Huzells marine division to pay me for my boats, travel expenses and a big bonus for 1973. I was so happy with Huzells.

Same thing..Huzells took really good care of me, purchased new race boats, free outboards etc etc. Very generous with my travel expenses and of course a large bonus after the season. I won at last 30 races and repeated my UIM SE class European Champion title in Evian, France. (There was no UIM SE class World Title)
The Swedish market was huge back then in new outboard sales (third in Europe) and Huzells was doing extremely well.
Huzells/Evinrude did have 35-40% of the market..It was only Evinrude/Johnson/Merc/Penta at that time. A few Yamaha, Chrysler and Seagull.
Huzells promoted Evinrude very well..Involved ABBA with Evinrude and my racing. Billy Huzell came to races to help and support me and other Evinrude racers.
All the Evinrude dealers in Sweden was happy. You could always tell that at the yearly dealer meeting in Spain. Canary Islands is more correct. Yes I was there.
Billy Huzell told me late 1974 to start looking for a location in Nacka to get my own Evinrude dealership.

Same thing..Huzells backed my racing up even better..and I won tons of races. Kept my UIM SE class European title by winning in Sabaudia, Italy. I also drove for OMC racing in Brygge, Belgium.
Won the Rouen 24 hours in the factory owned SE class boat.
One sad incident..I crashed bad and hurt myself testing a new UIM OE class Burgess owned by OMC racing in Brugge.
I was not happy the way I was told to do the testing.
Late 1975 Utbordarspecialisten Lasse Ström Marin opened the doors in Nacka.
Huzells backed me up with lots of stuff.
Great credit..Huzells paid for lots of stuff to promote my exclusive Evinrude dealership located at my home turf.
At that time the local media loved doing stories of my racing and dealership.
Billy at the races and Billy and me at his birthday..(50 Years)

Same thing..Huzells backed my racing up even better than 1975….but…I could tell something was not right..I asked Billy and Bengt Nilsson but no answer.
1976 was also the best year ever for new outboard sales in Sweden..around 50 000 new outboards was sold..a big big part of that was Evinrude..I did extremely good in my first full year as a dealer..sold a few hundred mainly larger outboards.
The 1976 UIM SE class European Championship race was this year in Sweden and guess who won..!!
I got the UIM SE class title four years in a row..newer done before or after in this very popular SE class..but…
now I was 100% sure something big was wrong between Huzells and OMC..because Billy Huzell did not come to the race I won in Nora, Sweden..
Part two next