My friend John Tiger, owner of Tiger Outboards have a beautiful in new condition Johnson SST 60 outboard in his “living room”.
Very cool.
Thanks John Tiger

My friend John Tiger, owner of Tiger Outboards have a beautiful in new condition Johnson SST 60 outboard in his “living room”.
Very cool.
Thanks John Tiger
This 1990’s era Revell model kit features a 1/25 scale plastic FORMULA ONE TUNNEL BOAT modeled after the one driven by Ben Robertson – and the Chevy stepside Team styled pickup with trailer. If you missed buying the kit back then, there are ‘several’ for sale online. Search: Revell 7240 Formula One Mach One Team.
I morse den 13:onde November 08.21 svensk tid somnade Hasse in efter en tids sjukdom.
Pratade med Hasse i Onsdags som Vi ofta gjorde och vi skämtade om gamla minnen.
Dom går tillbaka till 1967-68 när Vi möttes första gången..Hasse satt bak på en Cormorant racerbåt med en Evinrude X-115 i Skurusundet.
Ser bilden framför mig fortfarande.
Vi lärde känna varanda snabbt och Hasse blev min hjälte då ingen kunde mer om Evinrude än Hasse. Han hjälpte mig att komma igång med min racing och fixade saker som bara Hasse kunde.
Hasse var med på många av mina båtracing äventyr runt världen..även på den viktigaste tävlingen av alla.. EM racet i Lappeenranta, Finland 1973. Det var Hasse och Norrmannen Ingebrittsen som gjorde det möjligt för mig att vinna över världseliten.
Paris, Milano, London, Amsterdam, Nora och OMC fabriken i Brygge, Belguim..tårarna rinner när man skriver och tänker på vår Holmen.
Denna bild är unik..Per Benson har fixat den åt mig.
Alla minnen från Hasse som navigatör i Piraya 17 båten från segrar till att Hasse flög ur i Roslagsloppet 1973 så Vi kom bara två den gången.
Är säker på att Hasse fortfarande tänker på oss alla där han är nu.
A quick Google translation (Swedish to English) from my FaceBook post today..
My best friend, navigator and everyone’s Hasse Holmen has left us..
This morning November 13 at 08.21 Swedish time, Hasse past away after a period of illness.
I talked to Hasse on Wednesday as we often did and we joked about old memories.
They go back to 1967-68 when we first met..Hasse..he was sitting in the rear of a Cormorant racing boat with an Evinrude X-115 in Skurusundet.
Still seeing the picture in front of me.
We got to know each other quickly and Hasse became my hero as no one knew more about Evinrude than Hasse.
He helped me get started with my racing and fixed things that only Hasse could.
Hasse was with me on many of my boat racing adventures around the world..even at the most important race of them all..
The big championship race in Lappeenranta, Finland in 1973. It was Hasse and the Norwegian Ingebrittsen who made it possible for me to win over the world elite.
Paris, Milan, London, Amsterdam, Nora and the OMC factory in Bruges, Belguim..the tears flow when you write and think of our Holmen.
This picture is unique..Per Benson fixed it for me.
All the memories of Hasse as a navigator in the Piraya 17 boat from victories to Hasse flying out of the boat in Roslagsloppet Offshore race 1973, so we only got second in the race.
Am sure Hasse is still thinking of us all where he is now.
Here is some great stuff from Cathy on my FaceBook page today…
Thank you very much.
Saturday, October 15 2022.
Lake Havasu
Cathy McConnell
Crazy and Fun Day in Lake Havasu City today. The Sun was out…..the Clouds came in……the Wind blew…….white caps on the Lake……
..then repeat….Sun and Beautiful……Sprinkles……Wind……and repeat again. In between the Weather there was a Boat Race!!
After the Races were over IT GOT REALLY WILD!! Black Clouds …… Lighting….. and a Desert Downpour!!! Jimbo’s wife made a “Command Decision” and herded the OMC Crew into the nearby Restaurant.
On the way we passed a group of Mercury People and told them, “OMC people know when to get out of the rain”. After we were all seated and having a good time the Heavens opened up. The entire Lake disappeared into the Downpour…….a couple of lightening strikes right outside the window made for some excitement. Wasn’t long before all the “outside people” were inside!!
Timmy Seebold does a GREAT job putting this together. Jimbo and I cannot attend tomorrow so we said our goodbye’s, among some tears, and will remember another Reunion when the Old Guys got together …….. not as Competitors, but as long time Friends with lots of Memories.
Seeing Billy and Jimbo hugging as we were leaving was emotional. Seeing members of the OMC Crew was the Best…….. spending time with Johnnie was Great…….. and spending time with Brandon Stevenson was Special. I hope the “new” generation of Drivers will know this Powerful feeling 50 years from now……. Although I am not sure that this Group and the time they Raced can ever be repeated.
We missed all of the ones that could not be here with us and all the ones that have passed.
We probably talked about all of them!!