Daily Archives: 5 December, 2012

Happy birthday!!

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366 days and +100 000 visitors later for a niche blog on powerboat racing, who could imagine that?

When I and Lars first started to talk about creating a blog based on his vast racing experience and rich archive of stories none of us could imagine that it would gain more than marginal attraction.. but we have been proven very wrong!

Over the past year we have come to realize that there is a huge interest for both racing history as well as news and gossip from both local Swedish as well as international powerboat racing – and Lars has often been first to report, thanks to his huge network in the community.

And through his network he was also one of the first to reveal the new concept from Sea Ray, the Venture 370, which gained loads of interest across the globe.

We have also created a Facebook page (do you Like it?) for social interaction and are looking into integrating that even further to enable an even better information flow for the powerboat racing fans!

Now when SVERA.se is learning to walk on its own and our toddler year is ending we look forward to growing this community, so watch this space!!


And.. I guess I shouldn’t be admitting this – But I rather be sailing!

my boat

Regards Matt