Author Archives: Lars Strom

An incredible and true story..!!..with a happy ending..!!

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After I finally decided to stop racing the F1-V8 series late 1985 I sold the Burgess boat to a Swedish friend. The Evinrude F1-V8 was perfect for my Evinrude dealerships show room. I mixed it in with all the other new engines hanging there.

One day Jocke, a young boating customer was looking at the new engines lined up. Jocke was interested in a Evinrude V8 and I was telling him all about the 300XP 3.6 liter production engine.. Nja..that is not what I want was Jockes replay..!! I want the big powerful racing V8 he said with a smile and pointed at the big one..!!

Sorry, its not for sale was my direct answer. Everything is for sale for the right price was Jockes response. I want to purchase the racing V8 for my ARGO 18 pleasure cat. Long story short..after many discussions about price, safety and no warranty etc etc Jocke was the new owner of my former F1-V8 engine.
He also signed an agreement not holding me responsible if he crashed the way overpowered ARGO cat.

After a few weeks the engine was installed and time for testing. I warned Jocke many times to be very careful. Jocke was “flying around” with the ARGO for a few days to it happened.. He did a wide open flip and the boat sank. Jocke was not hurt but shaken up.. Now to the most incredible part..Jocke did have insurance and the insurance company wrote Evinrude Formula 1 race engine on the policy. (I guess by mistake)

So they where forced to pay up..!!

The first picture is Jocke and his ARGO cat with the racing V8 before the crash. The second picture is Jocke today and his nice big yacht. His engine pick for the dingy makes me proud.

Jocke still know the right outboard is Evinrude. This one is maybe not as powerful as his first Evinrude.