Author Archives: Lars Strom

Renato Molinari..Good news for the Great Italian boat racer.

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Today´s news from Italy translated by Bruno Verschraegen

Letter from Malagò to the icon of Italian motorboating:

You have been added to the list of the ” 100 Legends of Italian Sports”
On Rosignano hill, from the terrace of his new home made from volcanic rocks, Renato Molinari looks out over the vineyards and woods of Monferrato.
There, in that place where the icon of Italian motorboating said to be re-born, he received great news yesterday. Giovanni Malagò, president of CONI (the Italian Olympic Committee), sent him a personal letter that announces his inclusion in the list of the “100 Legends of Italian Sports”.
This list is “A recognition that the world of sports has wanted to dedicate to all of you for your extraordinary careers as athletes and people and that will be represented in a path, by dedicated icons, along the Avenue of the Olympics and of the Foro Italico in Rome.”


A short message from Bruno:

“Quite an achievement, I’d say. Strange to see he now lives 150 km away from Cernobbio on Lake Como where I believe the Molinari’s had their boat building yard, close to the Lake that was his racing homeground. But then again, Rosignano Hill is only 10 km away from Casale Monferrato, another iconic place in the history of Italian powerboat racing”

Molinari Molinari1 Molinari3


One of the powerboat world’s greatest racer ever left us today.

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I just got the sad news from Italy that the great Angelo Vassena past away.
There is so many memories from racing with Angelo.
He was such a fun friend to hang around..and always surprised you with crazy things.
So many things is spinning in my head..

Paris, Stockholm, London, Bruges, Como, Lecco, Sabaudia, the Evinrude factory..etc etc..

Maybe my best memory is our team driving in Paris 1978.

R.I.P my dear friend

Lo sport italiano piange Angelo Vassena



