Author Archives: Lars Strom

Breaking News..UIM Withdraws Shaun Torrente’s Licence.

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LIUZHOU, China – (3rd of October, 2012): Team Qatar driver Shaun Torrente will miss the remainder of the season following the decision by the UIM race committee to withdraw his provisional super licence.

The incident that resulted in the decision by the UIM race committee to withdraw the American’s licence followed the crash involving Torrente and World title challenger, Finland’s Sami Selio, at the first corner after the restart following the first yellow flag incident of the race.

The UIM race committee of O.O.D. Li Rui Lin, UIM commissioner Luis Ribeiro and deputy drivers’ representative Duarte Benavente issued the following statement. “With reference to art. 10 – super licences – paragraph 10.6 on circuit rules, the committee has unanimously decided to withdraw the provisional super licence issued to Mr Shaun Torrente, 07/2012, for dangerous driving and unsportsmanlike behaviour during the race.”


Shaun Torrente in another incident


UIM F1 updates from China.

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First  congratulations to the winner of the today´s F4s race. Jesper Forss from Sweden did it more race tomorrow for Jesper

Alex Carella got the pole after a protest..Bimba Sjöholm starts as # 12..