Category Archives: General News

Thank you very much..

Published by: have now been up and running for a month..
I am so happy to see that over ten thousand visitors have checked out my experience from racing in the seventies and eighties..
Back then OMC and Mercury was spending tons of money to sell outboards on a Monday after a race weekend.
Well..maybe looking back is only fun for older people..but hey..The young guns
are getting older way faster then they think..
One more thing..It looks like Mercury Racing have checked
This is the headline from Mercury Racing today..
 “Mercury Racing launches a series of blog posts on the history of factory outboard tunnel racing”.
Again..Thanks for clicking in here and please come back soon..!!
PS..Hehe..Picture show me back when all the fun in boat racing  started..1971/72.

Midsommarvalsen i Torsby 1974..

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Nordiska Mästerskapen i SE klassen 1974 kördes på Midsommarhelgen i Värmlands djupa skogar..
Många deltagare från Nordiska länderna men Finnarna gav hårdast motstånd.
Dock vurpade Penti “Bimbo” Aminoff med sin SE Clerici-Carniti..
Hans gula Clerici var en exakt likadan som min.
Även storföretagaren och ägaren till Huzells som då bl.a var Generalagent i Sverige för Evinrude var på plats
En härlig kille..Billy Huzell här i min röda racing T-shirt..(well..han hade nog fått betala dom också)
Igen har Peter Näslund ordnat fram lite fler bilder tidningsurklipp samt resultat..