Category Archives: General News

Charmören Bosse Nilsson från Vaxholm fyller 60 idag..

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Jepp..den tjugonde Februari 1953 hände det..
Bosse Nilsson fick för första gången se dagsljuset.
Kungsgatan i Waxholm vart aldrig sig lik efter det.
Lärde känna Bosse runt 1970 när han tävlade med sin Hero båt med Johnson snurra.
Har aldrig träffat någon färgstarkare och gladare kille än Bosse.
Vi tävlade mot varandra i många år och reste runt världen tillsammans.
London, Paris, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, och på racing platser i Italien, Frankrike,
Spanien, Finland, Norge m.m.
Vidare upptäckte Vi USA på många sätt ihop..Bosse bodde ju häröver i många år innan han hamnade i Karlsborg/Tived.
Bosse gjorde alltid bra ifrån sig på SUK klubbens fester i Saltsjö Dufnäs.
Han och Örjan fick skaka galler något dygn i Franska Evian efter ett våldsamt krogslagsmål.
Svenska lagledaren Rutger Friberg fick gå i borgen så allt ordnade sig till slut.
Hotell direktör har han varit också men inget är bättre än tävlingshästar för Bosse.
Numera tränar han sina fyrbenta vänner själv och lever ett lungt liv på sin hästgård.
Saknar våra gamla äventyr enormt men Vi håller bra kontakt med varandra trots långt avstånd.
Hälsade på Bosse för en tid sedan och kanske han dyker upp hos oss i sommar..
Vi är många som vill fira Dig..
Ett gäng bilder i blandad ordning..
Bosse till höger med Hasse Holmén till vänster.
Bosse i sin Hero 1970
Schulze SE kattan med Johnson motor på båtmässan
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Schulze SE kattan med Merc motor på Riddarfjärden 1973..Ja..det är jag i bakgrunden på andra bilden.
Tuffa grabbar..på väg till Sabaudia 1975..Bosse i vit t-shirt..själv har jag gul-blå
Bosse i sin E-324 Joker Ess/ Johnson 1971
Bosse i röd overall..han gillade inte när jag blev längre än honom.
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Bosses Clerici/Johnson 1975/76.
Bosse i sin OE Klass Gardin/Evinrude i Brodenbach, Tyskland 1977.
Bosse i Storfors, Värmland 1974
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Bosse med sin stora traktor
 Här står Vi båda för något år sedan på Bosses hästgård i Tived..Själv har jag överrock.

UIM F-1 Racing in Brazil 1-2 of June, 2013.

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ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates – The UIM F1 H2O World Championship announces today that for the first time in their four decade history of racing a Grand Prix event will be held on the continent of South America with the advent of the Grand Prix of Brazil in the capital city of Brasilia on the weekend of 1-2 of June, 2013.

“It’s a dream come true for me,” said H2O Racing President Nicolo di San Germano. “I am very grateful to the Governor Mr. Agnelo Dos Santos Queiroz, Governador do Distrito Federal; Julio Cesar Ribeiro, Secretario de Estado de Esporte; Luis Otavio Rocha, Secretario de Estado de Turismo; Abimael Nunes De Carvalho, Secretario de Estado de Publicidade Institucional and I am now sure that Brasilia will become the biggest water festival in the world!”

Ex-F1 H2O driver and now President of the Brazilian Powerboat Federation Paul Gaiser along with H2O Racing Brazil representative Beto Lorenzato were instrumental in helping place Brasilia on the UIM F1 racing map.

The Grand Prix racing weekend is expected to attract 100,000 plus spectators during a very busy schedule for the area. The UIM F1 H2O Grand Prix will mark the beginning of a series of exciting events with the arrival just one week later of the start of the Confederation Cup 2013.

For the city of 2.6 million people that was founded just 53 years ago, Brasilia, is a dynamic and rapidly growing metropolis. For the country, Brazil is justly proud of the series of events that are planned in the near future, including the Youth World Meeting with the Pope in Rio de Janeiro. Add to that the FIFA World Cup in 2014 and of course the Summer Olympics of 2016 making Brazil the center of sport worldwide for the next four years.

So, as the series begins its special 30th Anniversary year of racing along with closing in on its historic 250th Grand Prix event, it’s only fitting that a new page is turned in the history of the sport bringing the dynamic backdrop of the Capital City of Brasilia as a fitting portrait to the worlds most exciting sport on water the UIM F1 H2O World Championship!


New outboard engine for the most popular race class in the USA.

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All New SST-45 – Made from Sea-Way Marine Manufactured Parts.
SST45 SST45-2\
Well..I remember going tom Cypress Gardens, Florida 1994 and there was 50 + SST 45 boats from allover the world competing for the SST 45 World Championship race.
I was told that there was more SST 45 boats ready to race in the US than any other class back then.
Remember Duke Waldrop being the Officer of the day for the large Championship race that year.
4 or 5 drivers from Scandinavia was also there.. SST 45 was also raced in Sweden at that time.
Update: More info about the new SST 45 engine by
The original SST-45 Midsection was made from a production part and had a tendency to crack in its racing enviroment. The new midsection part is much thicker at the top and bottom and where the saddle attaches. Also the Gear Case bolt housing at the back alway’s broke away – this one will not.
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More good info from Greg Jacobsen.. Owner of Seaway Marine.
Everything is good with APBA or trust me I never would have done this project.
All of the pieces I had to make patters for, cast and then machined were done off the original OMC drawings and are an exact match.
The exhaust housing was changed only to make it stronger at the top and bottom – but it is still interchangeable with the current tower.
The gearcase is also and exact match to the origianl gear case and all parts are interchangeable.
The only questionable change is the new cowling set. We plan to extensively dyno and field test the cowling, experimenting if necessary with different vents to make sure there is no advantage or disadvantage.
Also this new cowl set will fit on any older SST-45 if someone wants to upgrade.
The New SST-45 will be at the APBA meeting next week on display and pricing will be announced then.
P1010019 (Small)
SST 45 World Champions over the years..