Category Archives: General News

Show and get your UIM official top speed!! Norrtälje, Sweden on Saturday

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Sweden Boat Racing Club is the organizer of the official speed record settings..
Starts this weekend just north of Stockholm.
 Here is a list of hungry drivers trying to set a new official World or Swedish speed record.
Douglas Matton GT-30
Anton Modin GT15
Niklas Mohell K
Anders Block V-150
Jacob Elisson GT15
Tobbe Elisson V-115 – –
Daniel Klareus W-150
Robert Engberg OSY
Conny Hertz W-150
Martin Löfström 3A
Daniel Segenmark 3C
Roger Söderström 3C
Benjamin Vuorihovi,
Veronica Olderin K
Morgan Jernfast GT15
Micke Bengtsson W-150
Lennart Karlsson W 60
Michael Enmarker 3 C

Have fun and don´t break to many engines..!!

Picture…Douglas Matton GT-30