Category Archives: Racing

På Fredag vet Vi vem av dessa två….

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..som är Världsmästare i UIM F1 serien..Själv hoppas man väl lite på att Jänkaren  53 åriga Jay Price vinner serien.

Dock önskar jag ännu mer på att duktiga Norskan Marit Stromoy vinner tävlingen.  Skulle bli ett jättelyft för Internationell båtracing om hon slog till med en segar..

Shaun Torrente kör UIM F1 i Sharjah, UEA på fredag.

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Torrente will race in Sharjah!


After a extremely disappointing start to last week’s race in Abu Dhabi, which destroyed his Gran Prix, we are happy to report today that Shaun Torrente has a boat to race this Thursday and Friday in the Grand Prix of UAE, Sharjah.

Shaun will be piloting a Qatar Team DAC. “It is a great boat and it is ready to go” Torrente commented, “We should be able to do really well with the equipment we now have. I need to thank the entire Qatar team and in particular Team Manager Khalid Alkulwari for giving me this opportunity.” The DAC is the same boat that Price drove to a sixth place finish last year in Sharjah. Ted Gryguc has gone through our #1 engine completely after getting it wet a few days ago, and it’s also ready to go.

Be sure to watch all the action with qualifying on Thursday and the race on Friday!